London’s West End

It’s been two years, almost to the day, that I was in London’s West End. Like the rest of my 2010, it was another incredible experience.

This one included seeing a live performance of Les Miserables. You may have seen the movie with Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway. It’s pretty great! But it’s nothing compared to the live performance. Seeing it in person is jaw dropping, tear-inducing, and unbelievably touching. And we were only in the nosebleed section (as college students, we have pretty tight restrictions).

Obviously this particular image is not of the performance (no cameras allowed!) but of a particular art installation in the theater lobby. We were all milling about waiting to be allowed entrance in this incredible space, an old structure with new fixtures, when the bubbles just caught my eye.

I snapped a quick picture and showed it to my travel mates who had not yet noticed them. It was cool to uncover a different perspective!

Summer is here! (and I’m a little late to the game for a reason)

out at sea
out at sea

So I make no secret my love of winter.

Don’t get me wrong, I love being warm and cozy. But I would much rather be able to add layers of clothing/blankets/warm snuggly puppies to ward off the chill than be sweating, sticky, and smell. But as it is now officially summer (as of 4 days ago), I do have to accept that it is definitely beautiful outside:


And I will just leave the rest of you to enjoy it outside while I watch from my nice cool home 🙂

Wedding time for Dave and Karen

So I’ve officially shot my first wedding (and hopefully not my last) and I finally have post-able proof!.

Dave and Karen had a beautiful lakeside wedding at the beginning of May. It was full of laughter and bunny ears. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves 🙂


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snowy canals
snowy canals

I had a wonderful time in Copenhagen during my study abroad.I took a break from studying to explore Copenhagen Harbor. It was absolutely beautiful in the late afternoon light and brutally windy. To escape the wind, I boarded a canal boat to travel the small canals and the harbor protected from the gusts.

I absolutely loved my time in Copenhagen. The winter was especially beautiful starting with a white Thanksgiving. This was just some of the aftermath!

I got to see so many amazing sites and take zillions of photos. Whenever I feel nostalgic, I go through them to remind myself of a fantastic time. I’ll probably keep uploading them from time to time 🙂

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